6 NOVEMBER 2016, Management Training Center, Radishcheva str., 4, Pushkin |
White hall |
16.00-21.00 |
Registration and poster hang up |
17.30-18.00 |
Welcome speeches |
Foreword of Organizers |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dusanee Thanaboripat, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand |
Prof. Vladimir Pavlyushin, Director of All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection |
18.00-20.00 |
Deserts and drinks |
18.00-19.00 |
Concert |
19.00-20.00 |
Excursions in Kochubey palace |
20.00-20.15 |
Speech of Prof. Yang Qian, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, |
20.15-20.30 |
Remarks of Organizers |
7 NOVEMBER 2016, Management Training Center, Radishcheva str., 4, Pushkin |
8.30-9.00 |
Registration |
PLENARY SESSION, Congress-hall |
9.00-9.30 |
Prof. Vladimir Pavlyushin, Director of All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection «Breaking approaches in biological control» |
Endophytes |
9.30-10.00 |
Dr. Adeline Ting, Monash University, Malaysia, «Endophytes as biocontrol agents for plant diseases: prospect, challenges and improvements» |
10.00-10.30 |
Dr. Vladimir Chebotar, All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg, “Endophytic bacteria as promising biotechnological resource for biocontrol of phytopathogens”, |
10.30-11.00 |
Dr. Chokchai Kittiwongwattana, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand, «Biodiversity and plant-growth-promoting activities of endophytic bacteria from rice (Oryza sativa)» |
11.00-11.30 |
Coffee break |
Chemistry and biotechnology |
11.30-12.00 |
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Laatsch, University of Göttingen, Germany, «Computer meets Chemistry - Modern Aspects in Natural Products Chemistry and Biotechnology» |
12.00-12.30 |
Dr. Vitaliy Dzhavakhia, Institute of Phytopathology, Moscow, «Novel natural and synthetic blockers of aflatoxin B1 and melanin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus» |
12.30-13.00 |
Prof. Hongmei Zeng, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing «Two Novel Protein Elicitors from Magnaporthe oryzae Trigger Defense Response and Improve Plant Growth in Rice» |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch |
14.00-14.30 |
Poster session |
Biocontrol |
14.30-15.00 |
Prof. Viktor Glupov, Institute of Systematics and ecology of animals, Novosibirsk, «Immunosuppressive technologies for improvement of bioinsecticde performance» |
15.00-15.20 |
Dr. Natalia Belyakova, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, «Biological control of pests in the modern greenhouses for protection of the virus-free potato» |
15.20-15.40 |
Prof. Dr. Lyubov’ Rimareva, Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow, «New biological preservatives for storage of fruit and vegetable products» |
15.40-16.00 |
Dr. Nattawut Rungjindamai, KMITL, Thailand, «Biodiversity of Ophiocordyceps nutans collected in Thailand» |
16.00-16.20 |
Dr. Alexander Berestetskiy, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, «Problems of development of bioherbicides based on plant pathogenic fungi and their metabolites» |
16.20-16.40 |
Coffee break |
Plant pathogen detection and control |
16.40-17.00 |
Dr. Alexander Golikov, “Genbit” LTD, Moscow, «A matrix approach to simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens of potato by real-time PCR» |
17.00-17.20 |
Prof. Alexander Ignatov, Research Center “PhytoEngineering” LLC, Rogachevo, Moscow region, Russia, «Emergence and spreading of Dickeya solani & D. dianthicola on potato in Russia, and search for control measures» |
17.20-17.40 |
Mr. Sergey Shebyakovsky, All-Russian Institute for Biological Control, Krasnodar, «Study of the influence disease resistance inducers on the development of wheat leaf rust under greenhouse and field conditions» |
17.40-18.00 |
Dr. Vladimir Sendetskyy, Podilsky State Agro-Technical University, Kamyanets'-Podilsky, Ukraine, «The fight against pests during the degradation of straw in conjunction with the sowing of green manure» |
18.00-19.00 |
Poster session |
19.00-20.00 |
Dinner |
8 NOVEMBER 2016, Hotel “Natali” , Malaya str., 56А, Pushkin |
Strain and cultivar improvement |
9.00-9.30 |
Prof. Eddo Rugini, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy, «Genetic improvement of olive (Olea europaea L.) by conventional and in vitro biotechnology methods» |
9.30-10.00 |
Dr. Sumet Treesaksri, KMITL, Thailand, «Callus Induction and Culture from Midrib of Anthurium cv. Chok Klao Chan by transverse Thin Cell Layer Technique (tTCL)» |
10.00-10.20 |
Prof. Anatoliy Anisimov, Saint-Petersburg Agrarian University, «Entomophages and akariphages artificial selection is a promising way to improve their effectiveness in biological control of insect and might pests» |
10.20-10.40 |
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Belozerskaya, Dr. Natalia Groza, Federal State Institution “Federal Research Centre “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, and Moscow Technological University Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, «Oxylipins in fungal development» |
10.40-11.00 |
Sponsor’s Presentation. Mr. Eugeniy Vakhrushev, AWTtech LTD, «Technologies of artificial climate in biotechnology practice» |
11.00-11.20 |
Coffee break |
Bioremediation |
11.20-11.50 |
Prof. Yang Qian, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, “Biotechnology and Industry Waste Recycle” |
11.50-12.10 |
Dr. Olga Maslova, The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, «Stabilized forms of enzyme His6-OPH in hydrolysis of organophosphorus pesticides and N-N-acyl homoserine lactones» |
12.10-12.30 |
Dr. Panutda Yodsang, KMITL, Thailand, «Molasses wastewater treatment by Bumileriopsis peterseniana isolated from ethanol-production wastewater» |
12.30-12.50 |
Dr. Olga Kasaikina, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, «Catalytic conversion of plant biomass into useful products» |
12.50-13.10 |
Dr. Ivan Melnik, Association "Bioconversion", Ivano-Frankivsk, the Ukraine, «New biotechnology in modern agriculture of Ukraine» |
13.10-14.00 |
Lunch |
Agro- and Food Biotechnology |
14.00-14.20 |
Prof. Elena Serba, Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow, «Perspective biotechnological products based on the direction conversion of secondary bioresources of agro-industrial complex» |
14.20-14.40 |
Dr. Alexander Bunchak, Podilsky State Agro-Technical University, Kamyanets'-Podilsky, Ukraine, «Biotechnology for organic products without the usage of pesticides and fertilizers» |
14.40-15.00 |
Ms. Viktoria Poplevina, Kuban agricultural technologies LTD, Krasnodar, Russia, «Characteristics and critical points of biotechnological process small-volume production» |
15.00-15.20 |
Mr. A.E.S. Kasem, Saint-Petersburg Agrarian University,"The effects of the last stages of nymphs Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Aspionae) feeding adult of grain moth on predatory bug reproductive potential" |
15.20-15.40 |
Sponsor’s Presentation. Ms. Kristina Yakovleva. The Dia-M Company. “Highly effective routine fermentation” |
15.40-16.00 |
Coffee break |
Biorationals |
16.00-16.30 |
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Laatsch, University of Göttingen, Germany «Dereplication Techniques using Databases» |
16.30-16.50 |
Dr. Olga Kulikova, Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow, «Biologically active compounds isolated from Allium sativum L. as a base for development of fungicides» |
16.50-17.10 |
Dr. Ekaterina Poluektova, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, «Isolation, biological characterization and herbicidal potential of phytotoxins from Paraphoma sp. 1.46, a pathogen of Cirsium arvense» |
17.10-17.30 |
Dr. Ekarat Detsri, KMITL, Thailand, «Synergistic antimicrobial activity of two-dimensional nanostructures of chitosan modified silver nanoparticles on Staphylococcus aureus» |
17.30-17.45 |
Dr. Tatiana Khurshkainen, Institute of Chemistry, Syktyvkar, «Technology of isolation of extractive matter from pine needles and production of biopreparations» |
17.45-18.00 |
Ms. Anna Dalinova, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, «Structure and biological activity of secondary metabolites of Alternaria sonchi – a pathogen of sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis)» |
18.00-18.15 |
Ms. Oratai Sukcharoen, KMITL, Thailand, «Contact and fumigant activities of Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm against aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus» |
18.15-18.30 |
Ms. Karina Zinatullina, N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS «Effect of immobilization on cellulose basis on the properties of biological active compounds» |
18.30-19.00 |
Clothing ceremony/concluding remarks |
19.00-20.00 |
Dinner |
20.00-22.00 |
Bowling party |
9 NOVEMBER 2016, |
Excursion day Departure |