Abstracts from contributors will be included in the proceedings and made available during the Conference. An abstract should contain the following information: article title, names of authors, affiliations, email, and keywords.
Please follow the guidelines below:
- Document format: MS Word, Font: 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced
- A4 paper size (210 mm × 297 mm), with 3 cm left margin and 3 cm right margin
- The abstract should be written in English
- The title should be in bold, lower-case letters and centered
- For authors, full names should be presented, with given name first, followed by last name. Please underline the name of the person who will give the presentation.
- Affiliation(s): include organization name, city and country, followed by the e-mail address of the corresponding author;
- Abstract text (including title, authors, affiliation and reference) should not exceed 4000 characters, including spaces.
All abstracts should be submitted by electronic mail: isbb2016@yandex.ru